shop directory:
Click on city to see stores where you'll find moi-basics products.
UNIKUM, Rathausgasse 22/23, 5000 Aarau
see on map
VILLA PAUL, Bruggerstrasse 37, 5400 Baden
see on map
AHOI*AHOI, Untere Rheingasse 10, 4058 Basel
see on map
NAKED, Henric Petri Strasse 26 4051 Basel
see on map
RRREVOLVE, Ryffligässchen 5, 3011 Bern
see on map
STOOR, Rathausgasse 53, 3011 Bern
see on map
maison supermarque, Besselstrasse 14, 10969 Berlin
see on map
LABORATOI/RE, Rue Mercerie 16, 1003 Lausanne
see on map
UNIKUM, Kirchgasse 13, 5600 Lenzburg,
see on map
EINZIGART, Claridenstrasse 4, 6003 Luzern
see on map
GLORE, Löwengraben 12, 6004 Luzern
see on map
LA FAINERA, Via da Marias 59A, 7514 Sils Maria
see on map
TARZAN, Spisergasse 40, 9000 St.Gallen
see on map
CLOSED, Europaallee 11, 8004 Zurich
see on map
EINZIGART, Josefstrasse 36, 8005 Zurich
see on map
EINZIGART, Seefeldstrasse 96, 8008 Zurich
see on map
OPIA, Lagerstrasse 72, 8004 Zurich
see on map
RRREVOLVE, Zollstrasse 117, 8005 Zurich
see on map
THE GALLERY, Löwenstrasse 40, 8001 Zurich
see on map